NTUE-CLEC Mandarin Camp
Application and Payment Agreement
※Please be sure to read this Agreement carefully, and submitting the application form means agreeing to the items contained in the Agreement.
1. 參加學員需遵守營隊規定,國立臺北教育大學華語文中心(以下簡稱本中心)有權利視違規情況將違規者予以退營,且不予退費。凡因營隊外之個人行動,
  Everyone is required to follow the camp rules. NTUE-CLEC holds the authority to decide to flunk someone out of the program who breaks the
  rule. If anyone is injured or suffered loss due to ignorance of the rules, we will take no responsibility. If anyone commits a crime or gets
  involved in serious incidents, domestic criminal procedures according to the R.O.C. constitution will be followed.
2. 本中心保有將活動過程攝影、錄製存檔及公開播放之權利。當您確認報名成功並完成繳費後,即視為填表人同意本中心依據「個人資料蒐集、處理及利用告
  The NTUE-CLEC reserves the right to record participants' activities via photographs, videos and/or any other media during the period of the
  camp or tour and use the files at its discretion. Once you submit and finish the application process, it will be considered that you have agreed
  NTUE-CLEC to collect your personal information based on the “Personal Information Collection, Processing, and Use Notification
3. 學員需於課程開始前自行處理入境臺灣簽證、海外保險及在臺居留問題等事宜;課程期間本中心將爲每位學員投保意外險,如有其他醫療保險需求,請自行
  The applicant is to complete and handle pre-departure procedures by themselves, such as visa application to Taiwan, overseas insurance and
  Alien Resident Certificates (ARC), etc. Only necessary accident insurance has been included in the tuition fees for the duration of the camp or
  study tour. If the participant has any further need for medical insurance, he/she is to insure by themselves.
4. 本中心保留課程與活動之異動權利;若遇風災、地震或重大災害等不可抗力之因素所造成的停課事項(臺北市政府宣佈不上課),恕不補課及不退費。
  NTUE-CLEC reserves the right to change class schedules and activities at its discretion. No make-up class will be held and no refund will be
  made for class suspension due to force majeure, such as typhoons or earthquake, etc. Course cancellation due to natural disasters will be
  followed by the announcements of Taipei City Government.
5. 報名人數如未達開課標準,本中心保留開班異動之權利,未開班課程全額退費,但不包含銀行手續費、匯差等必要支出。
  The NTUE-CLEC reserves the right to cancel the course if the number of applicants have not reach the standard. In this condition, the course
  tuition will be refund, but all handling charges, including bank fees and exchange rate differences, etc., will be paid by the applicants. The
  handling charges will be deducted and the refund will be paid by remittance. Thank you for your understanding.
6. 線上報名完成後,系統將立刻自動寄出通知信至申請者所填寫之連絡電子郵件信箱,為避免因系統設定等因素而無法成功遞達而延誤報名,若在送出線上報
  After submitting the on-line application, an auto-reply email will be sent to your contact email address. If you do not receive the auto-reply
  email within 7 days following the submission, please contact us to confirm whether your application has been received.
7. 完成線上報名並非表示報名完成,本中心將待審核通過後,另行發送錄取確認信,請確依信件之說明事項完成所有報名程序,包含匯款繳費,始報名成功。
  Applications are NOT considered complete until receiving the letter of admission and complete all processes. The application process should
  be completed before the deadline indicated in the admission letter, including remittance payment. If the processes have not been completed,
  the application is still incomplete and the seat will be made available to the waiting list.
8. 本活動訊息一律採電子郵件通知。行前通知將於營隊開始約1個月前寄至報名時所填之連絡電子郵件信箱,若報名成功者於開課一週前仍未收到該通知,或
  Information for the camp and study tour events will be delivered via email. The Information Package will be sent in approximately a month
  before the first day of the course to the contact email address. If the Information Package has not been received a week before the course, or
  if there are any questions about our camp or tour, please contact us as soon as possible. Unless we are contacted, the NTUE-CLEC will assume
  the applicant has received all information.
9. 國立臺北教育大學華語文中心退費標準:
  The refund policy of National Taipei University of Education, Chinese Language Education Center:   
  • Condition 1: 90% of the tuition fee will be refunded for applications submitted before the first day of the program.
  • Condition 2: 50% of the tuition fee will be refunded for applications submitted before 1/3 of the program has been completed.
  • Condition 3: No refunds will be given for applications submitted after 1/3 of program is completed.
  If there are any handling charges of the refund processes, the applicants have to pay by themselves. All handling charges will be deducted by
  refund, and refund will be paid by remittance. The refund process starts when the courses have gone by 1/3. The Applicants will receive the
  refund for about 1 month after processing.
  *Please note that the registration fee will not be refund.
10. 報名者請務必確實完整填寫報名表,並確認所填寫之各項資料皆正確無誤(尤其特殊飲食或健康狀況),如有因不實或未告知而造成學員生命財產安全之
  Please fill out the application form seriously and honestly (especially special diet or allergies and health conditions). If we got the incorrect or
  hidden information, your application will be canceled. Any problems caused by eating allergic food or special diseases and behavior of the
  participants, their parents or the applicant shall be responsible.
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